Heavy haul freight railways predominantly employ continuously welded rail to provide the best rail construction suitable for high axle loads. The combination of increased cost and length limitations render AF track circuits economically impractical for application to lines designed for non-electrified freight traffic. Moreover, AF track circuits are more complex and expensive to build and operate than DC track circuits. More specifically, rail inductance typically limits lengths of AF track circuits to about 1 km, as compared to about a 5 km length limit for DC track circuits. AF track circuits do not require insulated joints, but are limited in length due to rail inductance. AF track circuits are also applied to electrified lines where DC track circuits do not work. The signal block sections are used to maintain a safe separation distance between trains.Īudio frequency (AF) track circuits are commonly used in metro signal applications, where shorter headways are required to support trains with shorter stopping distances. The track circuits are applied to define signal block sections, which are related to signal locations and fixed block train control systems. These variations to DC track circuits use insulated joints to isolate adjacent track circuits. There are many variations to DC track circuits, including coding to extend lengths and transfer signal information between trackside locations via rails. The most common type of track circuit used in non-electrified lines is the DC track circuit, which was invented in 1872 and is still widely used today. In addition, conventional AC coded track circuits are used for track-to-train communications of signal aspect data.

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